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The Noble eight-fold path is known as the Buddha's ancient path which is one of the four noble truths in his teaching.


In the first stage of enlightenment in Buddha’s ancient path–the noble eightfold path, the stream-winners provide a simile of their experience as seen lake floor, once a fallen tree trunk parted the water in the lake, revealing the bottom of the lake–the floor. That is the noble path open to a stream-winner leading to other higher stages of the awakening, referred to as the fourth noble truth in Buddha’s teaching–the noble eightfold path.

If you are interested read The Buddha's Ancient Path at -
We have collection of YouTube Videos that discuss many aspects of Buddha's teaching. Please visit them at:

In English : Echoing Buddha's Teaching at

In Sinhala: කල්‍යණමිත්‍ර සාකච්චා at

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This website is sponsored by resources from supporters who wish to contribute to this effort of ensuring inner and global peace. It can happen only by transforming an individual into a peace-loving person who experiences the bliss of being alive! Therefore, we recommend Inner Peace as the initial step toward this mammoth endure of Global Peace. In addition, please refer to the other resources listed on this site that interests you to discover true happiness for yourself and then serve the world by sharing it with others for global peace. 



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